Beauty and makeup in the comfort of your own home
The chart on this page shows you how I view hair lengths and thickness's. Please list in the box provided the accurate hair lengths & thickness’s for anyone having hair services on your wedding day.
For example: Short Medium Hair can be labelled: SM
Long Thick Hair can be labelled: LT
If anyone booked for hair services does not match the length & thickness you have listed on the wedding day, the service will only take place if time permits or will have to forgo services due to time restraints. No refund will be given for any services forgone due to incorrect information provided.
The chart on this page shows you how I view hair lengths and thickness's. Please list in the box provided the accurate hair lengths & thickness’s for anyone having hair services on your wedding day.
For example: Short Medium Hair can be labelled: SM
Long Thick Hair can be labelled: LT
If anyone booked for hair services does not match the length & thickness you have listed on the wedding day, the service will only take place if time permits or will have to forgo services due to time restraints. No refund will be given for any services forgone due to incorrect information provided.